As featured in: MHR / People First / World of Learning / HRZone / eLearning Industry
Give instant feedback
“It’s awful to have to wait for my performance review to know how I’m doing!” Have you ever worked in an organisation where avoiding punishment
Create clarity for a common purpose
Why create clarity for a common purpose? How would you feel if you had: More time to think and plan, giving your business the help
Make better decisions faster
Slow decision-making is the #1 complaint of collaborative teams and project management delays and failures. In this earlier blog, I introduced the consent decision-making process.
What makes a great leader? Listening, part 3.
Great leaders listen and create solutions together Ask your team what they love about working for you and what gets in the way of them
What makes a great leader? Listening, part 2.
Practice listening with the consent process Once you collected your ideas in the circle meeting, you can start on a proposal for a solution. A
What makes a great leader? Listening, part 1.
What is the most important leadership skill? Listening. Take it from Gallup who invited Susan Brady, CEO of the Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership,
What makes a brave leader? Providing transparency and psychological safety.
Brave leaders provide their people with the right support that gets the best results. This week is the World Kindness, World Freedom and International Day
What makes a good leader? Power dynamics at work.
What makes a good leader is a question you might have asked yourself before. And you probably heard about the differences between managers and leaders.
3 reasons why outsourcing could support businesses and save the economy
First Published by MHR. Strategies to support businesses and people during economic crisis. Almost two years ago, I wrote this blog for eLearning Industry: 4 Practical Tips To
Distributed leadership in practice
Distributed leadership case study: the client The client for this case study was a creative agency with 50 employees. Distributed leadership case study: the diagnosis
Treat your people like human beings, not human resources
How can we get out of the crisis and move forward? As many countries are slowly coming out of lockdown, your business needs to prepare
Self-managing teams and human-centric workplaces: how the care sector is leading the way
Shining the light on self-managing teams and human-centric workplaces In the first two blog posts of this series, we explored what self-management is, how it